Genamin BTMS (Behentrimonium Methosulfate) – Bright Packaging and Raw Materials
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    BTMS 25

    R 239.50
    • Barcode: '0000000991

    SP Incroquat Behenyl TMS

    Not to be confused with "Genamin BTSM", BTMS-25 is a natural, conditioning emulsifier used in skin and hair care. It is gentle on the skin and hair, and can be used in creams and lotions to provide a soft, powdery feel to the skin. It can also be used in making Shampoo bars, Conditioner bars, Leave-in Conditioner sprays, and emulsified Sugar Scrubs.


    Substantive to both the skin and hair. Confer excellent detangling and wet combing properties to the hair. Form elegant cationic skin care emulsions that impart long lasting, wash resistant moisturising benefits with proven mildness to the skin and a soft, smooth skin feel. Can be used to produce O/W liquid crystal emulsions. Suitable for use in leave-on and wash-off conditioners, hair detanglers, relaxer creams, ethnic hair care, hair dyes, skin emulsions and shaving preparations. This versatile conditioning agent is designed to boost the feel and look of your skin and hair. It's an all-in-one solution that helps to reduce frizz, enhance shine, and bring your natural beauty to life.


    Usage levels: 1-10%
    Note: Failure to store at less than 30‚ÑÉ can cause coagulation